Jazz, James, and Borzoi dive deep into the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton, one of America’s most astroturfed founding fathers. Little is known about Hamilton’s early life, which is odd considering his prominent role as a framer of the U.S. Constitution, first Secretary of the Treasury, creator of the nation’s first national bank, the architect of the inherently corrupt system of debt-financed capitalism we are saddled with today, chief author of The Federalist Papers, master of media manipulation, election meddler, and almost but never actually President of the United States. Rest assured, we thoroughly smash that early life in order to fully understand the identity of the man himself; who he is, where he comes from, what shaped his worldview, and ultimately, in turn, how he shaped the world itself. Only once one fully understands Hamilton from those perspectives, do the trajectory and context of subsequent historical events, from war to immigration, finance to foreign policy, and from consumerism to vulture capitalism, become crystal clear.
Full Episode: https://therightstuff.biz/2020/04/12/ftn-american-mephistopheles-hamilton-deep-dive/