US National Debt Clock Live Stream
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The purpose of the US Debt Clock is to inform the public of the financial condition of the United States of America. We are dedicated to bringing to the public the most accurate up-to-date debt information possible. The numbers are laid out in such a way to give a complete real-time snapshot of the country’s balance sheet. Although the numbers involved are enormous, it is still easy to see the relative balance between wealth generated and wealth consumed.
All the debt docks as the site are updated continuously to the most precise calculations, using complex formulas and exacting standards, and the values displayed are verified from the best sources available.
America is a proud country with a long history of triumphing over extreme circumstances. The debt crisis that the Government and individuals face is the most pressing issue of our time. We must begin to confront this challenge head-on and not squander assay the future financial health of this nation.
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