The United States National Debt and You.
Every person in these United States currently owes a debt of over $84,000 per person. This is their current share of the U.S. National Debt.
US Debt is the national debt of the United States, or unpaid borrowed funds, owed by the Federal Government of the United States to it’s debtors.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a single economy of a measure period of time.
US Debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Ratios
% of GDP Event
________ _____________________________
104% Mid-2019
121% End of WWII 1946
65% Year End 1995
44% Height of the Great Depression 1939
36% End of WWI 1919
This debt load is historically maintained below approximately 40% of GDP.
When this ratio remains above 77% for more than a brief period, the economy degrades. Eventually the wealth of everyone in the nation withers as the debt begins to compound.
It’s basically only every penny you and everyone you know are ever going to earn . . . Forever !