This Video describes a Plan that Solves the US Fiscal Crisis caused by the response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Plan is entirely Self-Funding, does not increase the Federal Deficit, Provides Trillions of Dollars of immediate relief directly to all of the American People & Businesses. It has specific provisions for the Poorest 30% of American Families. And includes Links to an online repository where a PDF of the Plan is stored:
The Plan creates a new permanent Revenue Source for the US Treasury without raising taxes on anyone and provides in excess of $1 Trillion Dollars to the Treasury in the first 12 Months (Over $500 Billion after fully funding the Plan), almost $3 Trillion in the first 3 Years – Sufficient to retire over 10% of the National Debt if the Revenue is allocated for that Purpose. And then a growing revenue stream – greater than $1 Trillion a year going forward.
The Plan also provides Hundreds of Billions of Dollars Annually to the American People & Businesses for decades to come. And all the money it provides comes with zero Tax Consequences to the recipients. Further the Plan provides $21+ Trillion Dollars in new Liquidity to the American Financial System immediately.
The Plan provides substantial Ancillary Benefits as well. Of Particular Note are provisions that will provide public housing assistance to more than twice as many people as are helped today without spending an additional dime all while converting them from Tenants to Home Owners. Allowing the Poorest and Most Vulnerable Americans to more fully participate in the American Economy.
Also, if allocated for that purpose the Plan would pay off the entire National Debt and then provide ongoing revenue to the Treasury for ever. This would allow us to give our Children & Grandchildren a Debt Free America and the opportunity to receive a Nation in better fiscal shape than we inherited.
This Plan empowers every American, adds to our Liberty, our self-sufficiency and our freedom. The Plan provides virtually every American cash equal to a full years earnings immediately. It also provides them six months free from House Payments or Rent. This will give every American not only the resources necessary to survive the current Crisis but to thrive and prosper. The Plan then provides them thousands of dollars of additional after tax disposable income for decades thereafter.
This Cash goes directly to the American People and Businesses without restriction. This means that they may use this for any purpose they wish. To save, to invest, to pay down debt (The Immediate Cash in the aggregate is sufficient to completely pay off all US Student Debt or All US Credit Card Debt or nearly all of both for example), to make home improvements, to buy things you want or need.
This Plan not only assures no one need stand in Food Bank Lines, but that they have the Resources to help the entire US Economy recover.
I have published this Video in the hope someone who sees it will help me get it in front of President Trump, who I am convinced will instantly understand, appreciate & in fact will love the Plan because of his background in Real Estate Development & Business and due to his abiding love for the American People and America. So, Please, Help Me Help President Trump Save the American Economy and Make America Great Again.
As the President would say What Have You Got To Lose?.