It appears the MSM wants to develop a race problem in America. I guess that saying from Joseph Goebbels (WWII Germany) about telling a lie big enough, and to say it long enough, the people will believe it. I wonder if this is why USA Today put this picture on the front page of its newspaper. “Hands up, don’t shoot” did not happen, but USA Today spin doctors put it up without dispelling the myth.
The US is also $18 trillion in debt. It is an economic fact that countries with more debt than GDP suffer financially. Gregory Mannarino told me that the US dollar is in “terminal decline.” You know what that means? Big inflation is coming. In more dreadful US financial news, the Treasury just printed up a fresh $1 trillion to soak up debt that was coming due. This is printing new money to pay off old debt. That’s like paying off one credit card with a new credit card. What could go wrong?
Finally, North Carolina is joining 17 other states in suing President Obama for recently granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants. The White House says it’s just not going to enforce the law, and it will not deport these folks. It’s not that simple. The states’ lawsuits say the President’s executive order, in effect, granted these folks rights and benefits. The states say that they will be forced to pay for it, and it is totally unconstitutional.
Join Greg Hunter of as he analyzes these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.